Website Maintenance & Management Services

Website Maintenance & Management Services

Our Website Maintenance & Management Services are designed to keep your online presence running smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. From regular updates and security enhancements to content management and performance optimization, we take care of all aspects of your website, ensuring it remains secure, up-to-date, and user-friendly.

Standard WordPress


WordPress Core Update

Plugins Update

Onsite Backup

Bug Scan and Fix

SPAM Clean up

Security Scan

Speed Optimization

Layout Fixes 

Basic SEO Optimization

Premium WordPress


WordPress Core Update

Plugins Update

Onsite Backup

Bug Scan and Fix

SPAM Clean up

Security Scan

Speed Optimization

Layout Fixes 

Basic SEO Optimization

30+ Blogs Uploading

Ultimate e-Commerce WordPress


WordPress Core Update

Plugins Update

50 Products Uploading

Onsite Backup

Bug Scan and Fix

SPAM Clean up

Security Scan

Speed Optimization

Layout Fixes 

Basic SEO Optimization

eCommerce Support

Up to 50 Products Uploading